poking holes in the ceiling
Car Pool Route 4 (Poking Holes in the Ceiling)
Nora Chin, Daniel Hojnacki, and Leander Knust
Poking Holes in the Ceiling was the 4rth rendition of Carpool, an ongoing curatorial project by artist Kyle Seis. Always changing location, Carpool Route 4 was generously hosted by the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design from October 8th through November 8th, 2016.
From Carpool’s tumblr page:
“Carpool encourages collaboration between independent artists and communities through programming that begins with a shared car ride.
A small group of individual artists are asked to carpool from their city to another regional city. Ideas for a collaborative exhibition are generated during the duration of the drive, and the corresponding work is produced during the following 1-2 days before the exhibition.”
Chicago artist's Nora Chin, Daniel Hodjnaki, and I rented a car and drove to Milwaukee. With a bit of research into one other's practices (yet no prior introduction) we took the three-hour drive to get to know each other and find common muse. We found a shared interest in material transformation, memory, and frame. Thus, we decided to focus on abstract representations of nostalgic experience, especially in relation to the objects and imagery of the home.
Using architectural material, photo, wall drawing, painting, and household finds, we employed the lens of memory to reduce structures into abstract details that nod to the experience of nostalgia itself. With 36 hours to build, we took on a rapid pace that inspired trance like play; each element exchanged hands until the opening came. The resulting show contained 13 pieces, many of which laced through each other, blurring the show into a maze of perspectives and relations.