Inherence Applied - Slough
Inherence Applied & Slough
2015 - 2016
ash wood scarred by emerald ash bore beetles, ash bark scarred by emerald ash bore beetles, latex mold, flexible marine foam, brittle marine foam, cadmium powder, cerulean powder, porcelain, tomato plant, chip board
Inherence Implied and Slough together document a lineage of object studies produced from a single Ash tree off-cut. Each generation’s form is directed by material derived casting potentials applied to the preceding study. As the project continued forms became increasingly abstracted from the source off-cut.
Pictured below:
original ash (Ash off-cut)
study three (marine foam, cadmium powder)
study five (marine foam, cerulean powder)
cast (chip board, marine foam)
study seven (porcelain, water, tomato plant)
slough (Ash bark, latex)
The husk of bark was skinned by the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle from the segment of an Ash tree. Usable wood from this segment was milled while a sliver of wood was unfit. This unfit sliver (listed as “original ash”) was cast in silicone and replicated in marine foam for test two (not pictured, failure), test three, test four (not pictured, failure), and test five. Test three’s draped position was recast in plaster and replicated in porcelain to produce test six (not pictured, failure) and test seven. Test three was painted for test ten, ending the project. The silicone mold that produced tests two through five was draped over the husk of bark to produce Slough and put it to rest.
Inherence Applied & Slough were produced for for no space at the Chicago Artist’s Coalition in 2016.
Installation images of for no space